SharePoint Services Level 2

SharePoint Services Level 2

Learning Outcomes:

  • Create announcements, events, and links.
  • Create custom site groups and control access permissions.
  • Create a contact, task and issues list.
  • Create discussion boards, adding and deleting messages.
  • Create, modify and respond to surveys, then export survey results.
  • Add, modify and remove Web parts or move Web parts on the Home Page.

This two-day advanced course will demonstrate how to create a virtual team Web site enabling information sharing between project team or department members.

  • The SharePoint Services Environment and Hierarchy
  • Using the Default Team Web Site
  • Granting Access to a Team Web Site
  • Adding Lists
  • Adding Libraries
  • Adding Discussion Boards
  • Creating Web Discussions
  • Adding Surveys
  • Customizing the Team Site Home Page

SharePoint Services Level 2

Upon completion of this course, students should be comfortable with the below objectives:

Define Windows SharePoint Services. Use the default Windows SharePoint Services team Web site to create a basic project Web site. Apply permissions to lists, set content approval and approve or reject list items. Create a document library, adding, uploading and modifying documents. Create a form and picture library. Add, modify and remove Web parts or move Web parts on the Home Page. Modify the Quick Launch Bar.

Class targeted to: Persons responsible for establishing a team Web site for projects allowing information sharing between team or department members.

Prerequisites: Experience with a browser and a good understanding of MS Office.

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