
OneNote 2010

Learning Outcomes:

  • Successfully create a Notebook utilizing the Instructions in the Learning Lab.
  • Add Tags in the appropriate place with 100% accuracy.
  • Correctly create template-based notes as demonstrated by the Instructor.

This one day session will teach the information worker how to use OneNote to organize, locate and share information. You will learn how to collect and organize notes, insert files, capture screens, and enhance your notes for all types projects.

  • Explore the OneNote Interface
  • Create a Notebook
  • Format Notes and Embed Content
  • Organize Notes and Add Tags
  • Customize the OneNote View
  • Use Outlook with OneNote
  • Use OneNote with Other Office Applications
  • Share Notebooks
  • Create Template-Based Notes

OneNote 2010 

You will use OneNote to create and enhance a variety of notebooks, learn to collaborate effectively on group projects and manipulate OneNote options to customize your environment to meet varying needs and enhance productivity.  Additionally, you will enhance notes to suit your purpose, collaborate with others, organize research ideas, integrate them with other Office applications, and access information with a shared notebook.

Class targeted to:  Students needing more information about how to use OneNote.

Prerequisites:  Windows: Introduction or equivalent knowledge.

CEUs:  Upon successful participation in class and completion of all assigned exercises,   participants may receive up to .7 CEUs for this class.



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